
单选题Some words are hard to _____ because they have too many different uses.A expressB explainC defineD describe

Some words are hard to _____ because they have too many different uses.








正确答案: A
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9. Jim told me she had ________ , homework to do and always ended up ‘Englishnew words every day.

A. too much; memorizing

B. too many; memorizing

C. much too; memorized

D. much many; to memorize

,.A【解析】too much+不可数名词,意为“太多的”; end up doing表示“以……结束”。故答案为A。


What are the right reasons to explain why not the guests enjoy the meal?

A、because they don't have what they actually want

B、no beautiful young ladies showed up

C、steamed fish with all the little bones left in

D、too many children making noises



Some people are against killing wolves because .

A.wolves help to keep the ecological balance in the wildemess

B.there is too small a wolf population in the wilderness

C.there are too many deer in the wilderness

D.wolves are afraid of people and never attack people



For any Englishman there can never be any discussion as to who is the world's greatest writer. Only one name can possibly suggest itself to him:that of William Shakespeare.

Every Englishman has some knowledge of his work. All of us use words and phrases from Shakespeare's writings that have become a part of the English-speaking people.

Shakespeare, more perhaps than any other writer, made full use of the English language. Most of us use about five thousand words in our normal employment of English; Shakespeare in his works used about twenty-five thousand!

There is probably no better way for a foreigner (or an Englishman!) to appreciate the richness and variety of the English language than by studying the various ways in which Shakespeare uses it. Such a study is well worth the effort (it is not, of course, recommended to beginners), even though some aspects of English usage, and the meaning of many words, have changed since Shakespeare's day.

1). From the first two sentences of the passage we can conclude that ________.

A. it can't be discussed about who is the world's greatest dramatist

B. Shakespeare is regarded as the greatest writer

C. Englishmen like to discuss about who is the world's greatest writer

D. it can't be discussed about who is the world's greatest poet

2). According to the passage many English words and phrases that we use today are from _____.

A. Englishmen

B. English speaking people

C. Shakespeare's works

D. ancient people

3). To learn the richness of the English language, people should ______.

A. write and read more

B. be glad to be a foreigner

C. learn from an English man

D. read Shakespeare's plays

4). The author does not suggest beginners reading Shakespeare's plays probably because _____.

A. only Englishmen can understand his plays

B. some of English usage and the meaning of many words have changed

C. the works are too difficult for a beginner

D. the works are for native speakers

5). In this passage the author wants to _______.

A. tell how great a writer Shakespeare is

B. tell that some aspects of English usage have changed since Shakespeare's day

C. tell that some English words are out of use now

D. show the richness of English language



You look very tired. You ____ too hard these days.

A. could have worked

B. ought to have worked

C. should have worked

D. must have worked



Having acknowledged receipt of the interview letter,you must prepare for the interview. Firms usually take a good deal of trouble over interviews,and there may be three or more people present,which can be a little frightening. Very often the personnel officer will begin by some words of welcome and an invitation to you to tell them a little about yourself. This is really inviting you to repeat the information you have already supplied on the application form,and which they have already read,but it does have some point. It will put you at your ease,because at least you know all about your own level of achievement and can speak about it confidently. It helps them assess your ability to communicate and your serf-esteem. Some people have too high an opinion of themselves,some take an unduly pessimistic view of their achievements,while others have a nicely balanced assessment of their own abilities.



They both have _____ work to do, so they are _____ busy.

A.much too,too much

B.too much,much too

C.so many, too

D.to, much



Why do many of the boys avoid certain instruments?

A.Because they find it not challenging enough to play them.

B.Because they consider it important to be different from girls.

C.Because they find them too hard to play.

D.Because they think it silly to play them.



Many are sleeping in the open because they have no () .







It is often difficult to get correct information on campus crime because some colleges 。

A. receive too many visitors

B. mirror the rest of the nation

C. hide the truth of campus crime

D. have too many watchdog groups

文章第四段提到But getting accurate information isn’t easy. Colleges must report crime statistics by law, but some hold back for fear of bad publicity, leaving the honest ones looking dangerous. 可以看出正确选项。
