
单选题According to the text, more people are now buying shares becauseA more ethical investments are available.B investors get a better rate of return.C investment periods are more flexible.D investors pay less tax on earnings.

According to the text, more people are now buying shares because

more ethical investments are available.


investors get a better rate of return.


investment periods are more flexible.


investors pay less tax on earnings.

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听力原文:Investors can cope with some investment problems by confining their investments to those that involve only modest risk.


A.Investors can cope with any problems they may meet.

B.Investors can't cope with problems when they meet with difficulty.

C.Investors can cope with some investment problems by confining their investments to those that involve only modest risk.

D.Investors can cope with easy problems.



More and more people in modern societies get()due to the huge work pressure.







Because, according to Keynes, inadequate total demand increases unemployment, the indicated cure is either more investment by businesses or more spending and consequently larger budget deficits by government.





该句是包含原因状语从句的复合句,句子主干是the indicated cure is,表语由并列连词either or…连接。

词汇方面:indicated是过去分词用做形容词,动词indicate意为“表明,暗示,提及,建议”,根据上下文indicated译为“建议的”。more investmentmore spendinglarger budget deficits是形容词比较级加名词,根据汉语习惯转换成动词加名词的搭配,即“扩大投资”、“增加开支”和“增加预算赤字”。


Text 2 You would think that the young and digitally intellectual-the generation that grew up with computers at their fingertips-would be the least likely age group to fall victim of online fiaud.But the opposite is true."We've bought into stereotypes about fraud victims-they're usually seen as wlnerable and elderly,or gullible and poorly educated,"says Emma Fletcher,product manager at the BBB Institute."These stereotypes are strongly held-and they are wrong.We are all at risk,but younger and more educated individuals are actually the most likely to be deceived."Similarly,a 2016 report by Norton,the antivirus company,found that 44 per cent of millennials had been the victim of an online crime in the past year,compared with just 16 per cent ofbaby boomers.Research by Barclays this year backs this up.The Barclays Digital Safety Index highlights that almost two thirds of 18-24 year-olds had fallen prey to hackers or viruses.Yet when asked about actions taken to prevent future attacks,millennials were less likely than their older counterparts to take positive action,such as installing an anti-virus software following a computer system collapse.One reason is what is known as"optimism bias"-the idea that other people might be more One reason is what is known as"optimism bias"-the idea that other people might be more vulnerable than you and that you know better.Younger people are usually more knowledgeable about IT than those in the generations above them.But this makes them less likely to heed advice about staying safe,whereas,perhaps surprisingly,older people are more inclined to listen.But this is not the only reason.Younger people spend far more time online.They shop more there(meaning their card details are entered more ofien and stored in many more databases)and they share much more personal information online.According to Ofcom's 2016 Media Use and Attitudes Report,more than 90 pcr cent of those aged 16-34 have social-media accounts.For those aged between 55 and 64,this figure drops t0 51 per cent.For those 65 and over,it's 30 per cent.Interestingly,though,according the Office ofNational Statistics,older people are more likely to be victims ofrepeat fraud.This may be because they tend to be more trusting.Research at the University of California suggests that this isn't just because they grew up in more innocent times.Rather,age-related changes in the brain mean that as people get older,they tend to trust more and question less.30.Which of the following can be the best title ofthe text?

A.Who Is More Likely to Be Cheated,Young or the Older
B.How to Guard Against Online Scam
C.Millennials:The Most Vulnerable Online Victim
D.The Older Who Trusts More

事实细节题。由题干定位到第五段第三句,“他们爱在网上购物,这就意味着更加频繁地输入银行卡信息,这些信息自然就会被更多地存储在数据库中。另外,他们也在网络上分享了太多的个人信息”,故选C项。【干扰排除】A项“有社交媒体账号”是社会普遍现象,文章并没有说有账号就容易被骗,故排除;B项“更频繁地使用信用卡”文中并未提及credit card(信用卡),只是说在网购时输入银行卡信息,故排除;D项文章未提及,故排除。


According to Allen, why did the people do better with pets around when l~cing stressful tasks?

A.They have lower blood pressure.

B.They become more patient.

C.They are less nervous.

D.They are in higher spirits.



听力原文:When the Fed wishes to encourage business activity, it may lower the discount rate to boost borrowing.


A.People are discouraged to do business with a lower discount rate.

B.People are encouraged to borrow more money if the discount rate is lowered.

C.People are encouraged to borrow more money if the discount rate is raised.

D.People are discouraged to borrow less money with a lower discount rate.



根据短文提供的信息,完成 117~120各题。

Taxes are a big part in the United States.Most Americans pay city taxes,state taxes,social security taxes,sales taxes…,and the list seems endless.

The biggest tax for most Americans in that on the money they earn——the income tax.The personal income tax is called a“progressive tax”because it takes more from those who earn more fl or example,a person who earns about 3,500 dollars a year will pay a tax of only about 3.5%of earning. But of the same person earned 85,000 dollars a year, he would pay an In come tax of 35%.

Over the、ears the income tax has become more and more difficult for people to un Dustan D.M almost only half of all-Americans now have t0 pay experts to prepare their tax fee pores in fact,preparing taxes and giving tax advice have become a big industry in America.

第 117 题 Most Americans pay( ).

A.taxes which are too many to list.

B.taxes either t0 the cities or the states they live in.

C.so many kinds of taxes that they even don't know the names.

D.several kinds 0f taxes.



It would be better to make a decision now, ______ leave it until next week.

A. other than

B. rather than

C. less than

D. more than



Text 2 You would think that the young and digitally intellectual-the generation that grew up with computers at their fingertips-would be the least likely age group to fall victim of online fiaud.But the opposite is true."We've bought into stereotypes about fraud victims-they're usually seen as wlnerable and elderly,or gullible and poorly educated,"says Emma Fletcher,product manager at the BBB Institute."These stereotypes are strongly held-and they are wrong.We are all at risk,but younger and more educated individuals are actually the most likely to be deceived."Similarly,a 2016 report by Norton,the antivirus company,found that 44 per cent of millennials had been the victim of an online crime in the past year,compared with just 16 per cent ofbaby boomers.Research by Barclays this year backs this up.The Barclays Digital Safety Index highlights that almost two thirds of 18-24 year-olds had fallen prey to hackers or viruses.Yet when asked about actions taken to prevent future attacks,millennials were less likely than their older counterparts to take positive action,such as installing an anti-virus software following a computer system collapse.One reason is what is known as"optimism bias"-the idea that other people might be more One reason is what is known as"optimism bias"-the idea that other people might be more vulnerable than you and that you know better.Younger people are usually more knowledgeable about IT than those in the generations above them.But this makes them less likely to heed advice about staying safe,whereas,perhaps surprisingly,older people are more inclined to listen.But this is not the only reason.Younger people spend far more time online.They shop more there(meaning their card details are entered more ofien and stored in many more databases)and they share much more personal information online.According to Ofcom's 2016 Media Use and Attitudes Report,more than 90 pcr cent of those aged 16-34 have social-media accounts.For those aged between 55 and 64,this figure drops t0 51 per cent.For those 65 and over,it's 30 per cent.Interestingly,though,according the Office ofNational Statistics,older people are more likely to be victims ofrepeat fraud.This may be because they tend to be more trusting.Research at the University of California suggests that this isn't just because they grew up in more innocent times.Rather,age-related changes in the brain mean that as people get older,they tend to trust more and question less.28.Which of the following best conveys the mearung of"optimism bias"mentioned in Paragraph 4?

A.The less one learned,the less fragile one is.
B.No one else is stronger and knowing things better than you are.
C.The more vulnerable one is,the more chance he accepts advices.
D.Knowledgeable people sometimes do things worse.



Text 2 You would think that the young and digitally intellectual-the generation that grew up with computers at their fingertips-would be the least likely age group to fall victim of online fiaud.But the opposite is true."We've bought into stereotypes about fraud victims-they're usually seen as wlnerable and elderly,or gullible and poorly educated,"says Emma Fletcher,product manager at the BBB Institute."These stereotypes are strongly held-and they are wrong.We are all at risk,but younger and more educated individuals are actually the most likely to be deceived."Similarly,a 2016 report by Norton,the antivirus company,found that 44 per cent of millennials had been the victim of an online crime in the past year,compared with just 16 per cent ofbaby boomers.Research by Barclays this year backs this up.The Barclays Digital Safety Index highlights that almost two thirds of 18-24 year-olds had fallen prey to hackers or viruses.Yet when asked about actions taken to prevent future attacks,millennials were less likely than their older counterparts to take positive action,such as installing an anti-virus software following a computer system collapse.One reason is what is known as"optimism bias"-the idea that other people might be more One reason is what is known as"optimism bias"-the idea that other people might be more vulnerable than you and that you know better.Younger people are usually more knowledgeable about IT than those in the generations above them.But this makes them less likely to heed advice about staying safe,whereas,perhaps surprisingly,older people are more inclined to listen.But this is not the only reason.Younger people spend far more time online.They shop more there(meaning their card details are entered more ofien and stored in many more databases)and they share much more personal information online.According to Ofcom's 2016 Media Use and Attitudes Report,more than 90 pcr cent of those aged 16-34 have social-media accounts.For those aged between 55 and 64,this figure drops t0 51 per cent.For those 65 and over,it's 30 per cent.Interestingly,though,according the Office ofNational Statistics,older people are more likely to be victims ofrepeat fraud.This may be because they tend to be more trusting.Research at the University of California suggests that this isn't just because they grew up in more innocent times.Rather,age-related changes in the brain mean that as people get older,they tend to trust more and question less.27.According to Paragraph 3,the millennials tend to

A.neglect taking measures to protect themselves.
B.misuse anti-virus sofiware on their computer.
C.take positive actions to prevent computer viruses.
D.less likely have their computer system damaged.

