
问答题Discuss, and decide together:  ● What the likely reactions from staff might be to the introduction of the scheme?  ● How feedback should be given to staff on their performance?

Discuss, and decide together:  ● What the likely reactions from staff might be to the introduction of the scheme?  ● How feedback should be given to staff on their performance?
Candidate A=A Candidate B=B
A: ABC Company is about to introduce an appraisal scheme to assess the performance of staff. It will benefit both individual and company. Individual appraisals are not always very effective, and people tend to think that there are too many categories. They are not sure how the system works, so they are not happy with the legal aspects. What might be the likely reactions of the staff to the introduction of the scheme?
B: I think some employees would accept the appraisal scheme, in the hope that introduction of the scheme will be beneficial to both individual and company. Some would regard it as a chance to improve their salary. Some others may dislike it for they don’t like the way they are assessed. Many more have doubt about the meaning of the staff appraisal. Everybody works in teams these days and team members share responsibility for results. And team leaders could sense resentment between members. Teams much prefer to be awarded a group rating. We often receive complaints about the system of performance appraisals. What is your opinion of the feedback on appraisal? I think the feedback on performance appraisal is very likely not as positive as the leaders have expected.
A: I agree with you. The staff appraisal may be one of the biggest causes of dissatisfaction at work. In America, the unhappy workers even sue their employers over appraisal interviews. Problems will rise from the scheme itself and from the implementation and understanding of that scheme. Senior staff find it difficult to do appraisals. They have no choice but to listen to staff’s complaint about the company during the appraisal.
B: Therefore, I recommend that before reversing the appraisal’s negative associations, an organization needs to find out the underlying reasons contributing to them. The guidelines should be given to the employees by the management These guidelines suggest that a successful scheme have a clear appeal process, that all the negative feedback should be accompanied by evidence like dates, times and outcomes and that, most importantly, ratings should be able to reflect specific measurable elements of the job requirements.
A: I suggest we should make some changes to the current schemes. But how should feedback be given to staff on their performance?
B: That’s the question that needs discussion. Yes, you’re right. Some changes to current schemes are actually simply a matter of logic.
A: For example, if employees are constantly encouraged to work in teams and to shoulder joint responsibility for their successes and failures, it practically makes little sense for the appraisals to focus on individuals, as this may result in resentments and cause divisions within the group. Therefore, it is possible, and more suitable in some cases to arrange appraisals where performance is rated for the group.
B: And in addition, staff members should also be educated about the best way to approach appraisals. They feel uncomfortable about being asked to play a more supportive role than they are accustomed to without any training. I think it is sensible to give written feedback to most staff members. For some employees, we’d better give them oral feedback on their performance plus the written one.
A: Your idea is acceptable. However, those who are appraised may regard it as a chance to air their grievances and highlight the company’s failings instead of considering their own role. Therefore, the feedback to be given to staff should not be too negative. Rather, the appraisal needs to be positive.
解析: 暂无解析
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A staff member reports that they cannot access the shared folder on the network; however, other staff members are reporting that they can access the shared folder. Which of the following is the BEST way to identify the problem?()

  • A、The administrator should monitor all traffic between the staff member and the server.
  • B、The administrator should reconfigure the RAID configuration to allow more space.
  • C、The administrator should map a drive using the net use command.
  • D、The administrator should allow the staff member to use a USB drive.



Practice 3  ● You have been informed that Mary Owen from the Medical Records Department of your company is going to retire next month, and your company will held a party in her honor.  ● Write an email to all staff in your department:  ● Saying what time and where the party will be held,  ● Saying what the party will include,  ● Saying what the employees should do.  ● Write 60-80 words.

正确答案: 【参考范文】
TO: All staff
FROM: MacDonald, manager of Medical Records Department
DATE: May 3rd
SUBJECT: Party for Mary Owen
Perhaps many of you have heard the news about the retirement of Mary Owen from the Medical Records Department next month.
In order to show our thankfulness for her devotion to our company for more than twenty-five years, a party is to be held in her honor. It will start at 8:00pm next Saturday at Crown Restaurant, which includes a buffet dinner and a donation towards a gift.
Please let me know before this Friday if you intend to go.
解析: 暂无解析


资料:From:Gloria Richter
To:Gunther Schmidt
Subject: E-mails; staff lounge; communication problems
Date: March 3
There are some communication problems I wish to bring to your attention
1. Each day we receive a huge number of emails from colleagues inside the company and from overseas customers. Some are important many are not. My staff seems to spend all day checking and sorting emails, which is time-consuming and results in them neglecting other duties.
2. My staff doesn’t understand why you got rid of the staff lounge after the takeover. They say that it said to be a good place to meet people from other departments and to exchange ideas. Most of them still have not met anyone from Sanicorp yet.
3. A lot of middle managers are really confused about who they should report to. We know management are planning a reorganization but isn’t it time they told us what’s happening?

What is NOT requested by Gloria Rikchter in this emall?

A.An efficient way for the staff to deal with the large number of emails
B.More investment in the well-being of the staff
C.Reopening of the staff lounge
D.clarification of whom the staff should report their works to

【关键词】NOT requested; Gloria Rikchter
【主题句】My staff seems to spend all day checking and sorting emails, which is time-consuming and results in them neglecting other duties.(员工花费整天时间核对和分类邮件,既费时间又让他们忽略其他工作。);My staff doesn’t understand why you got rid of the staff lounge.(员工不知道为什么取消员工休息室);A lot of middle managers are really confused about who they should report to.(许多中层管理者对于向谁汇报工作十分困惑。)
【解析】第2题问“Gloria Rikchter在邮件中没有要求哪一项?” 文中的三点即为Gloria Rikchter的要求。1. 员工花费整天时间核对和分类邮件,既费时间又让他们忽略其他工作。2. 员工不知道为什么取消员工休息室3. 许多中层管理者对于向谁汇报工作十分困惑。这里只有B选项“增加对员工福利的投资”在文章并未提及。


Discuss and decide together:  ● What qualities are you looking for in such a person?  ● What skills should such a person possess?

Candidate A=A Candidate B=B
A: I am going to interview several candidates for the position of receptionist.
B: I’ve heard that. Do you have any ideas?
A: Sure. First of all, I’ll look at the candidate’s qualifications to see if the prospective receptionist has attended a secretarial training program or some other training courses. I also would like to know whether he/she had a proper educational background. Generally speaking, the higher his or her educational background, the better. What do you think?
B: I agree. It is also important to consider whether he/she has experience as a receptionist. Is that right?
A: Yeah, it is really of great significance. If the receptionist has related experience, he/she will help our company in a big way. As a matter of fact, a good receptionist does more than just representing the company’s image and he or she will also leaves a very important first impression of the company on the customers who come to our company. That is why the company is concerned with this.
B: Well, I understand that your company is an international company, so I think it is necessary that the receptionist is able to speak English. Is that right?
A: Absolutely. It is not enough that candidate can speak English since he/she will also take a lot of calls from our general headquarters in America and therefore is required to take notes. It certainly is not easy, but the qualified receptionist will be offered high wages. Another thing we need to consider is the candidate’s character. We should know if the candidate enjoys talking with or listening to people and how well he/she can get on with others. Do you agree?
B: That’s just what I am thinking. The candidate’s manner is essential as well. It is beyond everything that the receptionist has a pleasant manner and a desire to improve. .
A: Exactly. Nice talking to you about this. You have been very helpful.
解析: 暂无解析


Practice 4  ● Please write a memo to inform employees of the staff discounts in your company.  ● Saying how much the discounts are  ● Saying how should employees get their discounts  ● Saying where they can get the discounts  ● Write 40-50 words.

正确答案: 【参考范文】
To: All Staff
From: Cathy Miller, Personnel Manager
Date: December 15th
Subject: Staff Discounts
I am very pleased to inform you that a 20% discount will be given to employees who buy books at any of our branches.
Before the payment, simply present your work permit and discount card so that a discount will be given.
Discount card will be assigned at my office this Friday.
解析: 暂无解析


You are designing an OU structure for IT staff at the branch offices. What should you do?()

  • A、Create an OU for the NewApp Web servers. Assign the IT staff at the branch offices user rights to this OU.
  • B、Create an OU for the NewApp data servers. Assign the IT staff at the branch offices user rights to this OU.
  • C、Create an OU for the IT staff at each branch office. Place network administrators at the branch offices in these OUs.
  • D、Create an OU for each branch office. Place local servers in the OU for their respective office. Assign the IT staff at the branch offices user rights to these OUs.



Practice 5  ● The company you work for has decided to join a scheme in which members of staff exchange places for six months with people from other companies overseas.  ● The Chief Executive has asked you to suggest which members of staff should be the first to take part in this scheme and why.  ● Write your proposal for the Chief Executive:  ● suggesting which members of staff should be chosen and why they are suitable  ● describing what their current responsibilities are  ● explaining what these staff could learn from the exchange scheme  ● outlining the benefits to the company as a whole of its participation in the scheme.  ● Write 250~300 words on the separate answer paper provided.

正确答案: 【参考范文】
Subject: Choosing employees for staff exchange scheme
As requested, I am submitting this report so as to give recommendations on selecting members of staff as the first to participate in a scheme in which members of staff exchange places for six months with people from other companies in England.
As for the ideal candidate, he or she will be a qualified accountant with no less than 3 years’ hands-on experience. He/she is expected to be confident and possesses excellent interpersonal and communication skills in English language. It will be an asset if he/she has a good understanding of American environment and culture.
I believe that most of the junior managers at the financial department are qualified for this scheme, for they can meet the requirements and obviously have an edge over staff of other departments. Their responsibility is about the financial control of the businesses, which includes accounting matters, cash flow management and negotiation with suppliers. Moreover, they can offer commercial support to the local managers and are heavily engaged in operational level, while managing overseas
With this scheme, staff will be more exposed to a different environment, which is bound to broaden their horizon, improve their English and sharpen their skills. I am certain that staff will have an indepth knowledge of and exposure to managing overseas businesses. Surely it would turn out to be a most rewarding experience to them as well. Exposed to different culture, the selected members will be able to share their knowledge with those never been out of China.
Providing staff with a unique experience of working overseas will boost their morale and make them valuable assets for the company. Their knowledge can also be used to expand operation home and abroad. Therefore, it will end up benefiting the company greatly.
解析: 暂无解析



  • A、select staffno from staff where E_mail=NULL
  • B、select staffno from staff where E_mail NULL
  • C、select staffno from staff where E_mail is NULL
  • D、select staffno from staff where E_mail is not NULL



Practice 1  Discussion—about 5 minutes  In this part of the test you are given a discussion topic. You have 30 seconds to look at the prompt card, an example of which is below, and then about 3 minutes to discuss the topic with your partner. After that the examiner will ask you more questions related to the topic.  For two candidates  Program for New Staff  Your company has found that ineffective time management is one of the major problem areas throughout the workforce. You have been asked to put forward some suggestions for improving the situation.  Discuss and decide together:  ● why poor time management can become a major problem in companies.  ● what procedures could be adopted to ensure that time is managed effectively.

正确答案: 【参考范例】
A: Hi. As you know, these days our company is sort of out of control. Don’t you think so?
B: Yeah. Everything appears to be in chaos here in our company. And that clearly has resulted from poor time management.
A: You mean poor time management has led to all these problems? Why?
B: When time is not well planned within a company, they usually do not distribute blocks of time to specified tasks. They do not have a definite clue of when they should finish a certain task.
A: I think they often ignore the ordering of priorities. I mean certain tasks need our prior attention. But in the company every task is treated equally, even though it is a very important task.
B: That’s the point. So time should be planned in line with the significance of the tasks we need to deal with.
A: So what do you think we can do in order to manage time effectively here in our company?
B: You mean what means we can adopt?
A: Sure. That’s what our boss is asking us to do, right?
B: Right. I think we’ve got a lot to do. First, we should make all the staff members aware of the importance of effective time management to our company.
A: Yes, I think instruction in time management will be useful for them, especially those in supervisory positions.
B: Great. Perhaps we can run a few training courses for them. If necessary, we may invite some professionals from outside to help us.
A: Another thing we can do is to make all the managers, or even every employee, think of a job description of their own. Only in this way, can they be pretty sure about what they are accountable for and what they are not.
B: Yes, that’s a good idea. And I think, the top managers of our company should make a set of rules with regard to what sort of jobs should be given priority to. In this way, we can confirm that significant tasks are handled first.
A: Good idea. So in conclusion, our company should run a few training courses, and every employee should write down a job description of their own.
B: And rules should be made about what sort of job should be given priority to.
解析: 暂无解析


What has Mr. Fritz promised to do to encourage the staff?

Meet with the staff personally for motivation


Prohibit any further layoffs in the meantime


Reward staff based on their performance evaluations


Give special prizes to sales and shipping staff

正确答案: B
根据传单最后一段倒数第2句there will be no further staff reductions可知答案为B。
