
问答题There is one passage in this section with 5 statements. Go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on the Answer Sheet.  For questions 1-5, mark  Y (for YES)      if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;  N (for NO) 

There is one passage in this section with 5 statements. Go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on the Answer Sheet.  For questions 1-5, mark  Y (for YES)      if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;  N (for NO)      if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage;  NG (for NOT GIVEN)  if the information is not given in the passage.  When was the last time you saw a frog? Chances are, if you live in a city, you have not seen one for some time. Even in wet areas once teeming with frogs and toads, it is becoming less and less easy to find those slimy, hopping and sometimes poisonous members of the animal kingdom. All over the world, even in remote jungles on the far side of the globe, frogs are losing the ecological battle for survival, and biologists are at a loss to explain their demise. Are amphibians simply over-sensitive to changes in the ecosystem? Could their rapid decline in numbers be signalling some coming environmental disaster for us all?  This frightening scenario is in part the consequence of a dramatic increase over the last quarter of a century in the development of once natural areas of wet marshland: home not only to frogs but to all manner of wildlife. Yet, there are no obvious reasons why certain frog species are disappearing from rainforests in the Southern Hemisphere which are barely touched by human hands. The mystery is unsettling to say the least, for it is known that amphibian species are extremely sensitive to environmental variations in temperature and moisture levels. The danger is that planet Earth might not only lose a vital link in the ecological food chain (frogs keep populations of otherwise pestilent insects at manageable levels), but we might be increasing our output of air pollutants to levels that may have already become irreversible. Frogs could be inadvertently warning us of a catastrophe.  An example of a bizarre occurrence regarding a species of frog dates from the summer of 1995, when “an explosion” of multi-coloured frogs of the species Rana klepton esculenta occurred in the Netherlands. Normally these frogs are brown and greenish-brown, but some unknown contributory factor is turning these frogs yellow and / or orange. Nonetheless, so far, the unusual bi- and even tri-coloured frogs are functioning similarly to their normal-skinned contemporaries. It is thought that frogs with lighter coloured skins might be more likely to survive in an increasingly warm climate due to global warming.  One theory put forward to explain extinct amphibian species that seems to fit the facts concerns the depletion of the ozone layer, a well-documented phenomenon which has led to a sharp increase in ultraviolet radiation levels. The ozone layer is meant to shield the Earth from UV rays, but increased radiation may be having a greater effect upon frog populations than previously believed. Another theory is that worldwide temperature increases are upsetting the breeding cycles of frogs.  Statements:  1.Biologists are unable to explain why frogs are dying out.  2.Attempts are being made to halt the development of wet marshland.  3.Frogs are important in the ecosystem because they control pests.  4.It is not known why Dutch frogs are changing colour.  5.It is a fact that frogs’ breeding cycle has been upset by worldwide increases in temperature.
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You'd better make a mark __________you have any questions while you are reading the passage.

A.at which
B.in where
C.in the place

考查状语从句。句意为“如果你在读文章的时候有任何问题,最好在有问题的地方做个标记”,是一个表示位置的状语,where=in which,故选D。


The passage offers information to answer which of the following questions?( )

A.What is a theme concerning art that appears in the final book of Remembrance of Things Past?
B.Precisely when in 1909 did Proust decide to connect the beginning and the end of Remembrance of Things Past?
C.What was the subject of the novel that Proust attempted in 1908?
D.What specific criticisms of Saint-Beuve appear,in fictional form,in Remembrance of Things Past?



What can we learn from the passage?

A.Dick' s answer was not what Miss Richards had expected.

B.Dick' s answer was quite scientific.

C.Miss Richards was satisfied with Dick ' s answer.

D.Dick was the top student in class.



For Question 1, select one answer choice.  In the passage, “gold standard” most nearly means ______.

monetary normalcy


natural outgrowth


financial custom


cultural expectation


best practice

正确答案: D
“gold standard”在金融学上,意思是“金本位,金本位制”,这里用的是其比喻意义,指“the best of its kind”。文中的意思是,“作者的意图是决定准确有效理解文章含义的最佳选择”,因此,E项最符合题意。


Which of the following questions is answered according to the information given in the passage?

What is the toxin used by the fish killer?


Who first discovered the organism?


How does the fish killer paralyze fish?


How many fishes can the organism kill each day?

正确答案: C
是非题。选项C为答案第三段第二至四句描述了the fish killer如何杀死鱼类的过程。首先向水中、空气中sends neurotoxins(释放神经毒素)来麻痹鱼类的神经系统,从而使得鱼类游到水面来呼吸。最终当鱼类窒息而死时,然后它就attaches itself to the fish and begins sucking away at its flesh(附着在鱼身上并吸食其肉)。因此选C。


You′d better make a mark__________ youhave any questions while you are reading the passage.

A.at which
B.in where
C.in the place

考查状语从句。句意为。当你读文章时,最好在有问题的地方做个标记”,从句中缺少表示地点的状语,所以用where引导地点状语从句:而当where引导定语从句时.要有先行词place,加上at可以改成“You’d better make a mark at the place where you have any questions”。


Read the passage carefully and answer Questions 1 to 5. Answer each question in a maximum of 10 words. Remember to write the answers on the Answer Sheet.  In the United States today, many people want a college education. However, almost half of the people who go to college now do not attend a four-year college. Instead, they go to a community college.  The community college offers a two-year course of study in a wide range of subjects. It prepares some young people to go on to a four-year college. It trains others for jobs in business, government, or industry.  Some people choose a community college because of cost. The tuition for a semester at a community college can be less than half the cost of a semester at a four-year college. Also, since these colleges are located in large communities, their students can save money by living at home.  Community colleges are also useful for people who have jobs and who do not have time for a traditional four-year college. Some of these people take night courses at community colleges. Others complete long-distance courses, in which they stay at home and use video-tapes, audiotapes, and the Internet.  Community colleges also serve high school graduates who only achieved low grades. Many of these students would not be admitted to a four-year college. If they do well, they may go on to a four-year college.  Today, the country’s 1,500 community colleges have more than 10 million students. These colleges are making it possible for more and more people to continue their education.  Questions:  1.What is the passage mainly about?  2.What does theyin paragraph 1 refer to?  3.In which fields does a community college provide job training?  4.Why do people often prefer to go to a community college?  5.What does the word tuitionin paragraph 3 mean?

1.(the advantages of)community college 本文主要介绍了与普通高校相比,社区学院的各项优点,如:开设课程广泛、学费低以及适合各类学生进修等。
2.half of the people who go to college now ”instead”表意思转折,前后共享一个主语。
3.business, government, or industry 第二段最后一句提到社区学院在商务,政府和工业领域为学生提供职能培训。
4.low cost 第三段提到许多人出于费用考虑选择社区学院,因为它的学费低于四年制高校的一半,并且因为离家近很多学生可以直接住在家里从而节省住宿费。这是community college区别于其他院校最大的地方。
5.cost 本段提到许多人出于cost考虑选择社区学院,并且由第二句话可推断tuition与cost是近义词。tuition学费。
解析: 暂无解析


Will you ________ this passage to see if there is any misprint?

[A] look up

[B] go over

[C] dwell on

[D] work out



For Question 1, select one answer choice.  The main point of the passage is to ______.

describe the premise of a science fiction novel


propose a remedy for traumatic brain injuries


question certain medical research


admit to the failings of pharmaceutical innovation


reject the concept of drug trials

正确答案: C
文段主要讨论了一种新的药物对于治疗灾后创伤的正面以及负面的影响,通过正反两方面的对比,作者没有得出明确的结论,而是“puts the treatment into question”,因此,选项C最符合题意。


Directions:There is one passage in this section with 5 statements. Go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on the Answer Sheet.  For questions 1 - 5, mark  Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;  N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage;  NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.  You hear the same complaint all the time as people get older: “My memory is terrible.” Is it all in the mind, or do real changes take place in the brain with age to justify such grumbling (抱怨)? The depressing answer is that the brain’s cells, the neurons, die and decline in efficiency with age.  Professor Arthur Shimamura, of the University of California at Berkeley, says there are three main ways in which mental function changes. The first is mental speed, for example how quickly you can react to fast-moving incidents on the road. Drivers in their late teens react quickly but tend to drive too fast, while the over sixties are more cautious but react more slowly. The near-inevitable slowing with age also partly explains why soccer players are seen as old in their thirties, while golf professionals are still in their prime at that age. This type of mental slowing results from a reduction in the efficiency with which the brain’s neurons work.  The fact that adults find it harder to learn musical instruments than children points to a second type of mental loss with age—a reduction in learning capacity. The parts of the brain known as the temporal lobes control new learning, and are particularly vulnerable to the effects of aging. This means that, as we get older, we take longer to learn a new language, and slower to master new routines and technologies at work, and we have to rely more on diaries and other mental aids.  “Working memory” is the third brain system which is vulnerable to the effects of aging. Working memory is the brain’s “blackboard”, where we juggle from moment to moment the things we have to keep in mind when solving problems, planning tasks and generally organizing our day-to-day life. Absent-mindedness occurs at all ages because of imperfections in the working memory system—so, for instance, you may continually lose your glasses, or find yourself walking into a room of your house only to find that you cannot remember what you came for.  Such absent-mindedness tends to creep up on us as we age and occurs because our plans and intentions, which are chalked up on the mental blackboard, are easily wiped out by stray thoughts and other distractions. Stress and preoccupation can also cause such absent-mindedness, in addition to age-related changes in the brain. The frontal lobes of the brain—located behind the forehead and above the eyes—are where the working memory system is located. Like the temporal lobes, which handle new learning, the frontal lobes are more vulnerable to the aging process than other parts of the brain.  The news, however, is not all bleak. Although neurons reduce in number with age, the remaining neurons send out new and longer connection fibers (dendrites) to maintain connections and allow us to function reasonably well with only relatively small drops in ability.  This and other evidence suggests that the principle “use it or lost it” might apply to the aging brain. Professor Shimamura studied a group of university professors who were still intellectually active, and compared their performance on neuropsychological tests with that of others of their age group, as well as with younger people. He found that on several tests of memory, the mentally active professors in their sixties and early seventies were superior to their contemporaries, and as good as the younger people.  Research on animals provide even stronger evidence of the effects of stimulation on the brain structure. Professor Bryan Kolb, of the University of Lethbridge in Canada, has shown that animals kept in stimulating environments show sprouting (生长) and lengthening of the connecting nerve fibers in comparison with animals kept in unstimulating environments.  The beneficial effects of continued mental activity are shown by the fact that older contestants in quiz shows are just as fast and accurate in responding to general knowledge questions as younger competitors, suggesting that at least part of their intellectual apparatus is spared the effects of aging because of practice and skill.  Such findings lead to the intriguing possibility of “mental fitness training” to accompany jogging and workouts for the health conscious. Research in Stockholm by Professor Lars Backman and his colleague has shown that older people can be trained to use their memory better, with the effects of this training lasting several years.  Just as people go bald or grey at different rates, so the same is true for their mental faculties. Why this should be the case for memory and other mental functions is not yet clear. If Professor Shimamura is right, then the degree to which people use and stretch their mental faculties may also have a role to play.  Statements:  1.The passage gives a description of several methods of testing mental ability.  2.Professor Shimamura identified a number of areas in which mental function may change.  3.As the temporal lobes of the brain are affected by aging, it becomes harder to pick up new skills.  4.Research indicates that physical training can help to improve memory.  5.Taking part in quizzes is the best way to stimulate the brain.

1.N 根据第二段可知文章是关于大脑功能变化的三种方式,并没有描述测试心智的种种方法。
2.Y 第二段第一句指出Shimamura教授says there are three main ways in which mental fucntion changes,下文提到了三个领域mental speed,learning capaciy以及working memory。
3.Y 第三段提到temporal lobes…are particularly vulnerable to the effects of aging,并且意味着as we get older, we take longer to learn a new language…。
4.N 第十段提到mental fitness training可以让人们use their memory better,不是physical training。
5.NG 此内容在文中没有提及。
解析: 暂无解析
