
单选题In first two paragraphs, the author implies that _____.A a scientist may be confused what science meansB young people have not done much work in laboratoryC people who said young people should be scientifically educated have the tight idea on scienceD

In first two paragraphs, the author implies that _____.

a scientist may be confused what science means


young people have not done much work in laboratory


people who said young people should be scientifically educated have the tight idea on science


a philosopher is also a scientist

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In business, people have to deal in person__________ all kinds of people. You may have to use English when talking to different people within your company who don't speak your language; these may be colleagues or co-workers, superiors or subordinates-who may work with you in your own department, in another part of the building or in another branch. And you may also have to deal in English with people from__________ the organization: clients, suppliers, visitors and members of the public. Moreover, these people may be friends, acquaintances or strangers-people of your own age, or people who are__________ or older than you. The relationship you have with a person determines the kind of language you use. This relationship may even affect what you say when you meet people: for example, it's not__________ to say “Hi, how are you!” when meeting the Managing Director of a large company or to say “Good morning, it's a great pleasure to meet you” when being introduced to a person you'll be working closely with in the same team. Remember that people form. an impression of you from the way you speak and behave-not just from the__________ you do your work. People in different countries have different ideas of what sounds friendly, polite or sincere-and of what sounds rude or unfriendly! Good manners in your culture may be considered bad manners in another. Remember also that your body language, gestures and expression may tell people more about you than the words you use.

参考答案: with; outside; younger;appropriate; way


Mad Scientist Stereotype Outdated

Do people still imagine a physicist as a bearded man in glasses or has the image of the
mad scientist changed?The Institute of Physics set out to find out whether the stereotype of
a physics"boffin"(科学家)still exists by conducting a survey on shoppers in London. The
people were asked to identify the physicist from a photograph of a line-up of possible
suspects.98 percent of those asked got it wrong.The majority of people picked a white
male of around 60,wearing glasses and with a white beard.
While this stereotype may have been the image of an average physicist fifty years ago,
the reality is now very different. Since 1 960 the number of young women entering physics
has doubled and the average age of a physicist is now 31.
The stereotype of the absent-minded scientist has lasted a long time because the media
and Hollywood help promote the image of men in white lab coats with glasses sitting by
blackboards full of equations(等式)or working with fizzing(嘶嘶响)test tubes. These
stereotypes are really damaging to society.Very good school children are put off studying
science because they don't see people like themselves on television or in magazines doing
science.They simply don't relate to the media's image of the mad scientist.
This is one reason why fewer young people are choosing to do science at university.If
we want to encourage more young people to study science subjects,we need to change
this image of the scientist and make science careers more attractive.But we must also
develop children's interest in science.
In an attempt to change this negative image,an increasing number of science festivals
are being organized.Thousands of people from secondary schools are also encouraged to
take part in nationwide science competitions of which the most popular are the national
science Olympiads.Winning national teams then get the opportunity to take part in the
International Science Olympiads which are held in a different country every year.These
events are all interesting for the young people who take part but they only involve a small
proportion of students who are already interested in science.It seems that there is a long
way to go before science becomes attractive as subjects like computer studies or fashion
and design.

The majority of physicists in Britain today are Cambridge graduates.
C:Not mentioned



The _____ power of the people in this town has been decreasing since most young people have left for the big cities.







Mad Scientist Stereotype Outdated

Do people still imagine a physicist as a bearded man in glasses or has the image of the
mad scientist changed?The Institute of Physics set out to find out whether the stereotype of
a physics"boffin"(科学家)still exists by conducting a survey on shoppers in London. The
people were asked to identify the physicist from a photograph of a line-up of possible
suspects.98 percent of those asked got it wrong.The majority of people picked a white
male of around 60,wearing glasses and with a white beard.
While this stereotype may have been the image of an average physicist fifty years ago,
the reality is now very different. Since 1 960 the number of young women entering physics
has doubled and the average age of a physicist is now 31.
The stereotype of the absent-minded scientist has lasted a long time because the media
and Hollywood help promote the image of men in white lab coats with glasses sitting by
blackboards full of equations(等式)or working with fizzing(嘶嘶响)test tubes. These
stereotypes are really damaging to society.Very good school children are put off studying
science because they don't see people like themselves on television or in magazines doing
science.They simply don't relate to the media's image of the mad scientist.
This is one reason why fewer young people are choosing to do science at university.If
we want to encourage more young people to study science subjects,we need to change
this image of the scientist and make science careers more attractive.But we must also
develop children's interest in science.
In an attempt to change this negative image,an increasing number of science festivals
are being organized.Thousands of people from secondary schools are also encouraged to
take part in nationwide science competitions of which the most popular are the national
science Olympiads.Winning national teams then get the opportunity to take part in the
International Science Olympiads which are held in a different country every year.These
events are all interesting for the young people who take part but they only involve a small
proportion of students who are already interested in science.It seems that there is a long
way to go before science becomes attractive as subjects like computer studies or fashion
and design.

Most people have similar ideas of what a physicist looks like.
C:Not mentioned



Mad Scientist Stereotype Outdated

Do people still imagine a physicist as a bearded man in glasses or has the image of the
mad scientist changed?The Institute of Physics set out to find out whether the stereotype of
a physics"boffin"(科学家)still exists by conducting a survey on shoppers in London. The
people were asked to identify the physicist from a photograph of a line-up of possible
suspects.98 percent of those asked got it wrong.The majority of people picked a white
male of around 60,wearing glasses and with a white beard.
While this stereotype may have been the image of an average physicist fifty years ago,
the reality is now very different. Since 1 960 the number of young women entering physics
has doubled and the average age of a physicist is now 31.
The stereotype of the absent-minded scientist has lasted a long time because the media
and Hollywood help promote the image of men in white lab coats with glasses sitting by
blackboards full of equations(等式)or working with fizzing(嘶嘶响)test tubes. These
stereotypes are really damaging to society.Very good school children are put off studying
science because they don't see people like themselves on television or in magazines doing
science.They simply don't relate to the media's image of the mad scientist.
This is one reason why fewer young people are choosing to do science at university.If
we want to encourage more young people to study science subjects,we need to change
this image of the scientist and make science careers more attractive.But we must also
develop children's interest in science.
In an attempt to change this negative image,an increasing number of science festivals
are being organized.Thousands of people from secondary schools are also encouraged to
take part in nationwide science competitions of which the most popular are the national
science Olympiads.Winning national teams then get the opportunity to take part in the
International Science Olympiads which are held in a different country every year.These
events are all interesting for the young people who take part but they only involve a small
proportion of students who are already interested in science.It seems that there is a long
way to go before science becomes attractive as subjects like computer studies or fashion
and design.

More children will study science if it becomes more attractive.
C:Not mentioned



The discussion should reach beyond scientific societies because_______

A. scientists have fails to predict the outcomes

B. the ties between different areas need strengthening

C. united efforts are necessary for the development of science

D. people need to work together to prevent the bad use of science



Mad Scientist Stereotype Outdated

Do people still imagine a physicist as a bearded man in glasses or has the image of the
mad scientist changed?The Institute of Physics set out to find out whether the stereotype of
a physics"boffin"(科学家)still exists by conducting a survey on shoppers in London. The
people were asked to identify the physicist from a photograph of a line-up of possible
suspects.98 percent of those asked got it wrong.The majority of people picked a white
male of around 60,wearing glasses and with a white beard.
While this stereotype may have been the image of an average physicist fifty years ago,
the reality is now very different. Since 1 960 the number of young women entering physics
has doubled and the average age of a physicist is now 31.
The stereotype of the absent-minded scientist has lasted a long time because the media
and Hollywood help promote the image of men in white lab coats with glasses sitting by
blackboards full of equations(等式)or working with fizzing(嘶嘶响)test tubes. These
stereotypes are really damaging to society.Very good school children are put off studying
science because they don't see people like themselves on television or in magazines doing
science.They simply don't relate to the media's image of the mad scientist.
This is one reason why fewer young people are choosing to do science at university.If
we want to encourage more young people to study science subjects,we need to change
this image of the scientist and make science careers more attractive.But we must also
develop children's interest in science.
In an attempt to change this negative image,an increasing number of science festivals
are being organized.Thousands of people from secondary schools are also encouraged to
take part in nationwide science competitions of which the most popular are the national
science Olympiads.Winning national teams then get the opportunity to take part in the
International Science Olympiads which are held in a different country every year.These
events are all interesting for the young people who take part but they only involve a small
proportion of students who are already interested in science.It seems that there is a long
way to go before science becomes attractive as subjects like computer studies or fashion
and design.

The image of the mad scientist is really encouraging to society.
C:Not mentioned



The best definition for the word unfortunates is ______.

A. those who have no facial hair

B. those who are unlucky

C. very young people

D. very poor people



Mad Scientist Stereotype Outdated

Do people still imagine a physicist as a bearded man in glasses or has the image of the
mad scientist changed?The Institute of Physics set out to find out whether the stereotype of
a physics"boffin"(科学家)still exists by conducting a survey on shoppers in London. The
people were asked to identify the physicist from a photograph of a line-up of possible
suspects.98 percent of those asked got it wrong.The majority of people picked a white
male of around 60,wearing glasses and with a white beard.
While this stereotype may have been the image of an average physicist fifty years ago,
the reality is now very different. Since 1 960 the number of young women entering physics
has doubled and the average age of a physicist is now 31.
The stereotype of the absent-minded scientist has lasted a long time because the media
and Hollywood help promote the image of men in white lab coats with glasses sitting by
blackboards full of equations(等式)or working with fizzing(嘶嘶响)test tubes. These
stereotypes are really damaging to society.Very good school children are put off studying
science because they don't see people like themselves on television or in magazines doing
science.They simply don't relate to the media's image of the mad scientist.
This is one reason why fewer young people are choosing to do science at university.If
we want to encourage more young people to study science subjects,we need to change
this image of the scientist and make science careers more attractive.But we must also
develop children's interest in science.
In an attempt to change this negative image,an increasing number of science festivals
are being organized.Thousands of people from secondary schools are also encouraged to
take part in nationwide science competitions of which the most popular are the national
science Olympiads.Winning national teams then get the opportunity to take part in the
International Science Olympiads which are held in a different country every year.These
events are all interesting for the young people who take part but they only involve a small
proportion of students who are already interested in science.It seems that there is a long
way to go before science becomes attractive as subjects like computer studies or fashion
and design.

The media and the cinema have played a role in promoting the image of the mad scientist.
C:Not mentioned



Mad Scientist Stereotype Outdated

Do people still imagine a physicist as a bearded man in glasses or has the image of the
mad scientist changed?The Institute of Physics set out to find out whether the stereotype of
a physics"boffin"(科学家)still exists by conducting a survey on shoppers in London. The
people were asked to identify the physicist from a photograph of a line-up of possible
suspects.98 percent of those asked got it wrong.The majority of people picked a white
male of around 60,wearing glasses and with a white beard.
While this stereotype may have been the image of an average physicist fifty years ago,
the reality is now very different. Since 1 960 the number of young women entering physics
has doubled and the average age of a physicist is now 31.
The stereotype of the absent-minded scientist has lasted a long time because the media
and Hollywood help promote the image of men in white lab coats with glasses sitting by
blackboards full of equations(等式)or working with fizzing(嘶嘶响)test tubes. These
stereotypes are really damaging to society.Very good school children are put off studying
science because they don't see people like themselves on television or in magazines doing
science.They simply don't relate to the media's image of the mad scientist.
This is one reason why fewer young people are choosing to do science at university.If
we want to encourage more young people to study science subjects,we need to change
this image of the scientist and make science careers more attractive.But we must also
develop children's interest in science.
In an attempt to change this negative image,an increasing number of science festivals
are being organized.Thousands of people from secondary schools are also encouraged to
take part in nationwide science competitions of which the most popular are the national
science Olympiads.Winning national teams then get the opportunity to take part in the
International Science Olympiads which are held in a different country every year.These
events are all interesting for the young people who take part but they only involve a small
proportion of students who are already interested in science.It seems that there is a long
way to go before science becomes attractive as subjects like computer studies or fashion
and design.

The International Science Olympiads are held once every two years.
C:Not mentioned

