
is a clickable string or graphic that points to another Web page or document.






data effectively is crucial for success in today's competitive environment. Managers must know how to use a variety of tools. Integrated data takes information from different sources and puts it together in a meaningful and useful way. One of the difficulties of this is the(2)in hardware and software.(3)integration uses a base document that contains copies of other objects.(4)integration uses a base document that contains the current or most recent version of the source document it contains.

(5)provides an overview of the program written in "plain" English, without the computer syntax.






The navigational term Set of current means ______.

A.velocity of current in knots

B.direction from which the current flows

C.estimated current

D.direction toward which the current flows


is a collection of web pages connected together with(67). Each document or page has a unique address that allows you to find it among the millions of other documents on the Web. The address is called a(68)(URL)or sometimes a Uniform. Resource Indicator(URL). When you chose a new link by clicking on it or by typing it into the address field your(69)sends a request for that document and displays it on the screen. That link can be to a different section of the current document, another document on the same website as the original or on another website anywhere in the world. Web pages are designed using(70)or HTML.

A.World Wild Web

B.World Wide Web

C.Web Wild World

D.Word Wide Web


All of the following are contained in a server baseline document EXCEPT().

A. number of users.

B. number of files.

C. memory usage.

D. average disk I/O.


化工机械专业技能考核试题集TOC o 1-5 h z HYPERLINK l bookmark0 o Current Document 第一部分标准规范1 HYPERLINK l bookmark22 o Current Document 第二部分安全防护7 HYPERLINK l bookmark82 o Current Document 第三部分图纸识读23 HYPERLINK l bookmark104 o Current Document 第四部分化工机械常用材料与热处理35 HYPERLINK l bookmark168 o Current Document 第五部分机械传动和液压传动49 HYPERLINK l bookmark198 o Current Document 第六部分轴承与润滑60 HYPERLINK l bookmark276 o Current Document 第七部分静设备78 HYPERLINK l bookmark436 o Current Document 第八部分动设备103 HYPERLINK l bookmark458 o Current Document 第九部分管路阀门121 HYPERLINK l bookmark460 o Current Document 第十部分动静密封128 HYPERLINK l bookmark462 o Current Document 第十一部分转子动静平衡134 HYPERLINK l bookmark464 o Current Document 第十二部分工具、量具和仪器138 HYPERLINK l bookmark466 o Current Document 第十三部分故障诊断原理和方法146 HYPERLINK l bookmark468 o Current Document 第十四部分理论计算和工艺计算152 HYPERLINK l bookmark470 o Current Document 第十五部分相关专业知识160 HYPERLINK l bookmark472 o Current Document 第十六部分组织管理知识165第一部分标准规范、单选题特种设备安装、改造、维修、竣工后,安装、改造、维修的施工单位应当在验收后()日内将有关技术资料移交使用单位,便用单位应将其存人该特种设备的安全技术档案。A.10B.20C.30D.60GB150钢制压力容器是我国压力容器技术标准,它适用于设计压力不大于()MPa的钢制压力容器A.6B.10C.25D.35按压力容器安全技术监察规程规定,对于固定式容器下述三个压力值中:安全阀的开启压力或爆破片的爆破压力;设计压力;最高工作压力。压力指标从高到低的顺序是()AB.C.D.GB150-1998钢制压力容器是对()的修订和替代。A.GB150-85B.GB150-86C.GB150-88D.GB150-89按压力容器安全技术监察规程规定:镍及镍合金制压力容器焊后的焊缝表面()有弧坑。A.允许B.不允许C.没要求根据压力容器检测规程的规定,压力容器定期检验的主要内容是()。A外部、内部、耐压试验B.外部检查C.内部检查D.不检查由全国压力容器标准化委员会编制的我国压力容器方面最重要的强制性国家标准是()。AASME锅炉及压力容器BGB150-1998钢制压力容器C.AD压力容器标准D.EN1591标准压力容器安全技术监察规程适用于具备下列条件的压力容器。()最高工作压力(pw)大于等于O.IMPa(表压,不含液体静压力)内直径(非圆形截面指其最大尺寸)大于等于0.15m,且容积(V)大于等于0.25m3介质为气体、液化气体或最高工作温度高于等于标准沸点的D.以上三个在化工机器预防性维修体系中PM制是指()。A.计划预修制B.预防维修制C.预知维修制D.全员生产维修制石油化工设备维护检修必须遵守的技术标准是():A.石油化工设备维护检修规程B.GB12337C.GB151D.GB5656化工容器多采用钢板卷制而成,不锈钢热轧钢板的标准是()。A.GB912-89B.GB3274-88C.GB4237-92D.GB6654-88钢管在化工机械装备中应用较多,输送流体用无缝钢管标准是()。A.GB8163-87B.GB9948-88C.GB6479-86D.GB5310-85GB150钢制压力容器是中国第一部压力容器标准,现行为()版A.1998年B.1982年C.1970年D.2002年中国制订的GB150和JB4732等规范在主体上都是以()为主的规范。A.制造B.设计C.质量D.生产GB150是以()为设计准则的。第一强度理论B.第二强度理论C.第三强度理论D.第四强度理论表示国家强制性标准的是()A.GBB.YBC.JBDD.HG国家职业技术共分为()个等级。A.三B.五C.八D.十二国家标准的代号是()。A.GBB.HGC.JBD.ISO在役压力容器是指()。A.在使用期内使用的容器B.常用容器C.在检验周期内使用的容器D.专用容器根据在役压力容器检验规程规定的评定标准,压力容器的安全状况等级划分为)。A.3个等级B.5个等级C.6个等级D.4个等级标准代号JB属于()。A.国家标准B.行业标准C.地方标准D.企业标准常用碳素钢、低合金钢管的规格有19X2,25X2.5和()。A.25X2B.38X2C.19X2.5D.38X2.5.不锈钢管规格为38X2.5和()。A.25X2B.38X2C.19X2.5D.38X2.5.标准换热管长范围为()。单位为(m)A.1.5,2.0,3.0,4.5,6.0,9.0B.2.0,3.0,4.5,6.0,9.0,10.0C.2.0,3.0,6.0,9.0,10.0D.1.5,2.0,3.0,4.5,6.0,8.5,9.0GB150-1998钢制压力容器是中国压力容器方面一部十分重要的()国家标准A.推荐性B.常规性C.强制性D.通用性26按照GB150-1998钢制压力容器的规定,为满足制造和安装过程中的刚度要求,对碳素钢、低合金钢制的壳体规定了不包括腐蚀裕量的最小厚度为()。A.2mmB.3mmC.4mmD.5mmHGJ52-91法兰FF300-2.5管法兰密封面的类型是()。A全平面B.光滑面C.凹凸面D.榫槽面HGJ45-91法兰RF50-0.6管法兰的密封面类型是()。A.突面B.凹凸面C.榫槽面D.全平面、法兰A800-1.6JB4702-92是()密封面.A.平面B.榫面C.凹面D.槽面我国规定筒体的稳定系数m=(),A.1.6B.1.8C.2.0D.3.0换热器型号AKT600/1200-2.5/1.6-90-6/25-4II表示()。固定管板式换热器B.浮头式换热器C.U型管式换热器D.釜式重沸器GB150适用于设计压力不大于()的钢制压力容器的设计、制造、检验及验收。A.20MPaB.35MPaC.l0MPaD.15MPe世界最早最完备的压力容器标准规范是()。A.ASME规范B.JIS规范C.BS规范D.AD规范我国压力容器无损检测的标准号是()。A.GB12337B.JB4730C.、JB4731D.JB4732我国压力容器鞍式支座的标准号是(),A.JB4730B.JB/T4712C.JB4731D.JB4732我国压力容器用钢板的标准号是()。A.GB6654B.GB700C.GB3280D.GB8165下列压力值中,公称压力等级正确的为()。A.0.2B.1.0C.2.0D.3.0德国的压力容器标准规范是()。A.ASME规范B.JIS规范C.BS规范D.AD规范我国现行压力容器材料设计系数(安全系数)取值为()。A.nb4.0,ns3.0B.nb3.0,ns1.6C.nb3.0,ns4.0D.nb1.6,ns3.0设备类别代号T含义为()。A.塔B.换热器C.容器D

A clickable string or graphic that points to another Web page or document is called(18)。






What is a primary objective of the security architecture assessment? ()

A. document power and UPS availability

B. to integrate routing and switching components

C. create a design specification document

D. document the customer‘s current and future technology projects


What is a primary objective of the security architecture assessment? ()

  • A、document power and UPS availability
  • B、to integrate routing and switching components
  • C、create a design specification document
  • D、document the customer's current and future technology projects


You work for a company that sells books. You are creating a report for a SQL Server 2005 database. The report will list sales representatives and their total sales for the current month. The report must include only those sales representatives who met their sales quota for the current month. The monthly sales quota is $2,000. The date parameters are passed in variables named @FromDate and @ToDate.   You need to create the report so that it meets these requirements. Which SQL query should you use?()

  • A、SELECT s.AgentName,SUM(ISNULL(o.OrderTotal,0.00))AS SumOrderTotalFROM SalesAgents JOIN OrderHeader o ON s.AgentID=o.AgentIDWHERE o.OrderDate BETWEEN @FromDate AND @ToDateGROUP BY s.AgentName
  • B、SELECT s.AgentName, SUM(ISNULL (o.OrderTotal,0.00))AS SumOrderTotalFROM SalesAgent s JOIN OrderHeader o ON s.AgentID = o.AgentIDWHERE o.OrderDate BETWEEN @FromDate AND @ToDate AND o.OrderTotal >= 2000GROUP BY s.AgentName
  • C、SELECT s.AgentName, SUM(ISNULL (o.OrderTotal,0.00)) AS SumOrderTotalFROM SalesAgent s JOIN OrderHeader o ON s.AgentID=o.AgentID WHERE o.OrderDate BETWEEN @FromDate AND@ToDateGROUP BY s.AgentNameHAVING SUM(o.OrderTotal)>=2000
  • D、SELECT s.AgentName, SUM(ISNULL(o.OrderTotal,0.00)) AS SumOrderTotalFROM SalesAgent s JOIN OrderHeader o ON s.AgentID=o.AgentIDWHERE o.ordertotal=2000 AND o.OrderDate BETWEEN @FromDate AND @ToDateGROUP BY s.AgentNameHAVING SUM(o.OrderTotal) >= 2000


An HP customer would like to discuss IBM system advantages. Their current system platform is a partitioned HP rp8400. Which of the following pSeries systems and advantages should be discussed?()

  • A、p630. Maximum partitions, maximum storage, I/O bus speed
  • B、p670. Maximum partitions, maximum memory, number of I/O slots
  • C、p655. Maximum number of CPUs, processor speed, number of I/O slots
  • D、p690. Maximum number of CPUs, peak system bandwidth, peak I/O bandwidth


更多 “化工机械专业技能考核试题集课案20220811.docx” 相关考题
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考题 单选题The navigational term set of current means().A velocity of current in knotsB direction from which the current folwsC estima ed currentD direction toward which the current flows正确答案:A解析:暂无解析

考题 All of the following are contained in a server baseline document EXCEPT().A、number of users.B、number of files.C、memory usage.D、average disk I/O.正确答案:A

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