
- What does educational quality mean to you?________________________, quality education means good learning standards in educationallllstl tutlOns.

A.As far as l' m concerned

B.1 have no idea

C.1 don't agree with you


Welcome to my birthday party, but you needn't ______ any present.

A. bring

B. bringing

C. brought

D. have brought


    12.答案为D  测试needn't have done的用法,表示做了没有必要做的事。

-Can you tell us why you think this makes good business sense to you? -We've been doing quite well on our own and we could probably survive like this for quite a few more years to come, but if we really want to take it to the next level, ____________.

:A the board of directors needn't take the present economic situation into consideration ;

B it's not necessary for us to develop the company any more ;

C we are going to have to consider finding more investors


Population experts tell us that by the year 2025, the population in cities in developing nations will increase to five times its present size.()


If you have any questions here, please tell us. We' ll all be()to help you.

A. ready

B. already

C. readiness


MBA联考菊袁题(附解析)【经典资料,WORD文档,可编辑修改】【经典考试资料,答案附后,看后必过,WORD文档,可修改】15年MBA联考英语真题(附解析)Section A Vocabulary. Oil is an important material which can be processedinto many different products, includingplastics.A rawB bleakC flexibleD fertile. The high living standards of the US cause its present population to 25 persent of the worldsoil.A assumeB consume C resumeD presume. You shouldnt be so-I didnt mean anything bad in what i said.A sentimentalB sensibleC sensitiveD sophisticated.Picasso was an artist who fundamentally changed the of art for later generations.A philosophyB conceptC viewpointD theme.Member states had the opinion to from this agreements with one years notice.A denyB objectC suspectD withdraw. The two countries achieved some progress in the sphere of trade relations, traditionally a source of irritaion.A mutualB optionalC neutralD parallel.Williams had not been there during the moments when the kidnapping had taken place.A superiorB rigorousC vitalD unique.Travel around Japan today, and one sees foreign residents a wide of jobs.A rangeB fieldC scaleD area.Modern manufacturing has a global river of materials into astunning array of new products.A translatedB transformedC transferredD transported.Lightning had been the second largest storm killer in the US over the past 40 years and is only by flood.A exceededB excelledC excludedD extendedVoices were as the argument between the two motorists became more bad-tempered.A swollenB increasedC developedD raised.Some sufferers will quickly be restored to perfect health,other will take a longer time.A whichB whereC when D whereas.My brother likes eating very much but he isnt very about the food he eats.A specialB peculiarC particularD unusual. Britain might still be part of France if it werent a disastrous flood 200.000 years ago,according to scientists from Imperial College inLondon.A uponB withC inD for.The water prize is an international award that outstanding contributions towards solvingglobal water problems.A recognizesB requiresC releasesD relays.In its 14 years of, the European union has earned the scorn of its citizens and skepticism from the Unied States.A enduranceB emergenceC existenceD eminence. His excuse for being late this morning was his car had in the snow.A started upB got stuckC set backD stood by. widespread belief cockroaches( 螳螂)would not take over the world if there were no around to step on them.A In view ofB Thanks toC In case ofD Contrary to.Consciously or not, ordinary citizens and government bureaucrats still the notion thatJapanese society is a unique culture.A fit in withB look down onC cling toD hold back.As you can see by yourself, things to be exactly as the professor had fo、reseen.A turned inB turned outC turned upD turned downnextClozeOlympic Games are held every four years at a different site, in which atheletes_21_different nations compete against each other in a _22_ of sports. There are two types of Olympics, the SummerOlympics and the Winter Olympics.In order to 、_23_ the Olympics, a city must submit a proposal to the International Olympic Committee(IOC). After all proposals have been _24_, the IOC votes. If one city is successful in gaining a majority in the first vote, the city with the fewest votes is eliminated, and voting continues with _25_ rounds, unt

If we have given you any cause() dissatisfied , we should be glad to know of it .

A. to be

B. of

C. for

D. to


senses, lust, pleasures, edge, miseries, juices, keenness, duties, preserve, curious, bite, hatred

One of the major ___1___in life is appetite, and one of our major ___2____should be to___3__ it. Appetite is the ____4__ of living; it is one of the ___5___ that tell you that you are still____6___to exist. That you still have an ___7___ on your longings and want to __8__into the world and taste its multitudinous flavors and __9__. By appetite, I don’t mean just the __10___ for food, but any condition of unsatisfied desire.

正确答案:1.on 2. lotus 3. pristine 4. muck 5. untouched 6. rest 7. up 8.Fantasies 9. picked 10. Draped


听力原文: Spot transaction means the actual and variable amount of the currency of one country which at any given time, can be bought for a fixed sum in the currency of another country. It is a term meaning that these transactions are settled on the second working day from the date of the deal. For example, you buy $ 5,000.00 US dollars on October 10th( say Wednesday) , the purchased US dollars will value on October 12th.

21. What does spot transaction mean?

22.When are the spot transaction settled?

23.What's the value date for purchase of $ 5,000.00 US dollars in the passage?


A.It means that at any time you can buy currency of one country for another currency.

B.It means that the actual and variable amount of one currency can be bought for a fixed sum in another currency at any given time.

C.It means that any kind of currency can be bought at any time for another currency.

D.It means that the actual and fixed amount of the currency of one country at any time can be bought for a variable sum in the currency of another currency.

解析:录音原文提到Spot transaction means…can be bought for a fixed sum in the currency of another country.现汇交易意味着一国货币可按照现行汇率确定的数额随时兑换固定数额的他国货币。

Will you please let us know details of any lines of goods which you think are ()for your market.






We very much () that you are not in a position to entertain any fresh orders at present.


B、regret to learn




更多 “MBA联考英语真题(附解析)” 相关考题
考题 问答题Practice 4Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark “Since we’re now living in a society where a good education is becoming less important for a high income, the government should not encourage people to go to college any more.” You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.正确答案:【范文】The Importance of Higher Education The contemporary society has seen a trend of discordance in education. Many college students graduate only to find that they earn much less than their bosses who even have never entered colleges. However, higher education is still valuable for students. Most importantly, higher education is the source of expertise. Every industry in the society is built on the professional knowledge. If all the staff is poor-educated, who can we depend on to make profits? Colleges can equip students with the most useful and systematical theories. Further, the academic environment in college will provide students with a better opportunity to develop healthy bodies and hearts. What they need to do is to read more and think more for their own pursuits. Thus, they can be stronger to confront the extreme thoughts that may destroy their righteous beliefs in the future. Lastly, good friends and teachers from colleges will help students form right outlook on life and values, which will also benefit their future career. In summary, higher education will set students a higher start in the future career. If you can not see it now, wait and see that how the better are separated from the good.解析:暂无解析

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考题 英译中:If you have any requests, please don’t hesitate to let us know.正确答案:如果您有需求,请随时找我们。

考题 单选题What is worth nothing from the example of Athens County is that _____.A greater efforts should be made to improve people’s living standardsB 70 percent of the people there have been, employed for two yearsC 50 percent of the population no longer relies on welfareD the living standards of most people are going down正确答案:B解析:细节推断题。B项“70%的人就业已达2年”。第二段称70%的脱离福利照顾的人在过去两年里参加了工作,但并没说该郡70%的人参加工作已达2年,故B项有误。C项“50%的人口不再依赖福利政策”,文而章说雅典郡的贫困率在30%以上,为全国贫困率的2倍,显然C项错误。D项“大多数人的生活水平在下降”也与文章不符。A项“为提高人民生活水准尚须做出巨大努力”与第三段“作为穷人的代言人,这表明,尚须做更多的努力”属同义转述。因此,A项为答案。

考题 单选题—Do you enjoy your present job?  ______. I just do it for a living.A Of courseB Not reallyC Not likelyD Not a little正确答案:D解析:句意:——你喜欢目前的工作吗?——不怎么喜欢,我只是为了谋生。根据答语的后半句可知,答话者并非真正喜欢这份工作。故答案是B项。

考题 Do you have an account with us? Yes,()Aplease.Bthe account is wrongCwhat do you mean? Dthe account number is .D略

考题 – All of us were in high spirits. _______A、 I’m happy you enjoy that.B、 Are you crazy?C、 You are in good mood.D、 I have no time to go there.参考答案:A

考题 单选题What is the main idea of the passage?A The delicacy of the Chinese restaurant in Singapore.B The advantages and disadvantages of living in a cosmopolitan city.C The danger and threat of population explosion in urban areas.D The high living standard of Singapore, London, Paris and New York.正确答案:C解析:主旨题。录音开头讲话者便表示自己在一个世界性城市——新加坡,生活了五年,接着表明自己很喜欢那里的生活方式,并以事例进行具体说明。然后,讲话者承认住在这样的城市也有不利之处,并作了具体阐释。由此可见,该段录音主要介绍了住在世界性大城市的优点和弊端。因此选项B能全面概括录音的主要内容。【录音原文】  For five years I lived in Singapore, a metropolis of almost three million people. Like London, Paris and New York, Singapore is a cosmopolitan city, with people from different parts of the world living and working together. I enjoyed the urban lifestyle I led there, and made the most of the super amenities, ranging from the excellent shops to some of the best restaurants in the world. In the evenings and at weekends there were always cultural events, with such diverse attractions as classical Western music, and exhibition of Malay art or a Chinese opera in the street, it was difficult to get bored. Perhaps most impressive, however, was the remarkable transport infrastructure, with excellent roads, a swift and efficient bus service and a state-of-the-art underground system which could whisk commuters from the suburbs straight into the heart of the city. This is particularly important, as the government banned private cars from entering the central business district during the morning and afternoon rush hours to reduce congestion on the roads and pollution from the exhausts.  Of course, living in a city like this has its disadvantages as well. For a start, the cost of living can be very high—renting an apartment, for example, is very expensive. And as the city is expanding, there are a lot of building sites where new apartments are continually being built to deal with the population explosion which is a direct result of the government encouraging people to have more children.

考题 单选题Which of the following is a disadvantage of living in a cosmopolitan city, according to the passage?A The pollution.B The traffic congestion.C The high cost of living.D The population decrease.正确答案:A解析:事实细节的找寻和判断。题干中的关键词为disadvantage,录音中提到“Of course, living in a city like this as its disadvantages as well”,从而引出住在像新加坡那样的世界性大城市的弊端。在接下来的具体说明中,讲话者提到“the cost of living can be very high”以及the population explosion,可知世界性大城市不仅生活开支大,而且出现了人口膨胀问题。由此可知,选项C为正确答案。

考题 It should be()if you could immediately()what quantity you can supply us at present.A、thankful,adviseB、appreciate,adviseC、appreciated,adviseD、appreciating,inform正确答案:C