
问答题Practice 2  For two or three candidates  Promotional Sales  I’m going to describe a situation.  Your company is considering promotional sales for the coming New Year.  You have been asked to help with the programme.  Discuss the situation together, and

Practice 2  For two or three candidates  Promotional Sales  I’m going to describe a situation.  Your company is considering promotional sales for the coming New Year.  You have been asked to help with the programme.  Discuss the situation together, and decide what kind of promotional events are suitable and eye-catching.  * three minutes for groups of three candidates  Prompt material  Promotional events  ●Discount  ●Free samples  ●Instruction  ●On-site technical support
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Practice 1  ‘Mini presentation’—about 6 minutes  In this part of the test you are asked to give a short talk on a business topic. You have to choose one of the topics from the three below and then talk for about one minute. You have one minute to prepare your ideas.  A  WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN MOTIVATING STAFF?  ● FINANCIAL BENEFITS  ● CAREER DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES  ●...  B  WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN SATISFYING CUSTOMERS?  ● A GOOD AFTER-SALES TEAM  ● MORE CUMMUNICATION WITH CUSTOMERS  ●...  C  WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN PREPARING FOR A JOB INTERVIEW?  ● STUDYING THE JOB ADVERTISEMENT  ● STUDYING THE COMPANY  ●...

正确答案: 【参考范例】
Sample A:
Well, I’m very interested in this topic—what’s important when motivating staff. As far as I am concerned, I think we should take three main important factors into consideration, that is, financial incentives, career development chances and an easy-going boss. Firstly, the most important factor should be the financial benefits. They may consist of good salary, bonus and other perks. As we know, instead of working for fun, most people work to live. And also as the saying goes, money can make the mare go, thus money is very important in develop staff’s motivationm. Secondly, career development chances are quite important. In reality, there is nobody who does not want to be promoted. If there are not any good career prospects in a job, staff will probably give up the job. Finally, an easy-going boss is also important. Nobody is willing to work with a difficult boss. In conclusion, financial incentives, career development chances and an easy-going boss are important in motivating staff.
Sample B:
Well, I’d like to talk about the important factors that are beneficial to improve customers’ satisfaction. Firstly, we need a group of outstanding after-sales service team. It is true that it is difficult to meet the demands of every customer, but our duties involve dealing with customers’ complaints and trying all manner of ways to solve their problems. In order to cultivate an efficient group of after-sales service team, we must arrange some staff training courses. Besides, we need to conduct researches on customers about whether they are satisfied with our products and in what aspects they are dissatisfied. On the basis of the result of the researches, we can make improvement. In a word, a excellent after-sales team and more communication with customers  can help improve customer satisfaction.
Sample C:
The objective of my talk is how to prepare for a job interview. I think the preparation mainly consists of studying the job advertisement, finding out information about the company and preparing yourself psychologically. First of all, you should study carefully the job advertisement so that you can match your qualifications, such as knowledge, abilities and skills, with the specifications required for the vacancy. You must make the interviewer believe that you have all the qualifications required, thus you are the right kind of person they are looking for. Secondly, you should know more about the company, for example its profile, requirements, existing problems, structure, campaigns and future plans. Finally, you should also prepare yourself psychologically and this will help you overcome stress. For example, rehearsing the interview with your friends is a good way of relaxation exercise that can put confidence in you.
解析: 暂无解析


Practice 5  Discussion—about 5 minutes.  In this part of the test you are given a discussion topic. You have 30 seconds to look at the prompt card, and example of which is below, and then about 3 minutes to discuss the topic with your partner. After that the examiner will ask you more questions related to the topic.  For two candidates  Flexible Working Time  Your company wants a flexible working time. You are asked to discuss about it.  Discuss the situation and decide:  ● Is it practical or not  ● name the advantages and disadvantages  For three candidates  Flexible Work Time  Your company wants a flexible working time. You are asked to discuss about it.  Discuss the situation and decide:  ● Is it practical or not  ● name the advantages and disadvantages  ● If needed, cite the accurate example to fight for/against it.

正确答案: A: Well, the management’s proposal on flextime is today’s topic. What are your opinions on this?    .
B: I think our staff members would be happy with this practical idea. They have complained that the present working time is too restricted. They say the working time should be flexible.
A: In what ways?
B: The company should allow the staff to build up a credit of hours to entitle them to take a few hours or a day off.
A: But don’t you think there would be chaos?
B: What do you mean by “chaos”?
A: There would be no one in any department knowing who was in at what time. And people who phone the company or visit our company would get terribly confused.
B: Well, I’m sorry to interrupt. In my opinion, we should make cover arrangements. When people are sick or when people take holiday the same kind of arrangements is made.
A: Er. Mr. Brown, what are your views?
B: Frankly, I think it’s difficult for our section to have flexible time. There are three of us in our section and we work as a team. Therefore, if we had anyone off then we wouldn’t be able to manage.
解析: 暂无解析


You, like many of your classmates, probably have been in such a situation where you are asked to do something to help a foreign friend. (翻译)



题目要求:  In this part of the test, the examiner reads out a scenario and gives you some prompt material in the form of pictures or words. You have 30 seconds to look at the task prompt, an example of which is below, and then about two minutes to discuss the scenario with your partner. After that, the examiner will ask you more questions related to the topic.Practice 1  For two or three candidates  I’m going to describe a situation.  Your company is going to rent offices. Talk together about the topics you could include when you decide to rent offices. Decide which 3 topics you think are most important.  * three minutes for groups of three candidates  Prompt material  Topics to include  ●Location  ●Cost  ●Transportation  Follow-up questions:  (l) Are facilities important when renting office? (Why? / Why not? )  (2) Do you think security system should be safe? (Why? / Why not? )  (3) Why do big companies also choose big office buildings? (Why? / Why not? )

正确答案: 【参考范例】
A: You see. Our company is thinking about renting offices. What do you think should be taken into consideration before making a decision?
B: I think first we should consider the location. The offices should be better in the commercial area of the city, for it is easier for our company to be found and to exchange information with other companies in the area.
A: You are right. A good location will allow a company to do business more efficiently.
B: Moreover, I think cost is another factor that we need to consider. If the location is in the commercial area, the cost of renting may be very high.
A: That’s true. If the cost of the location is too high, it will certainly exceed the company’s budget. But if the price is reasonable, we can take it. After all, the cost should be on the average of the city.
B: Absolutely. What about the transportation?
A: The location should have good transport connection, and the transportation should be very convenient, linking the bus stop, subway, high way, the airport or the harbor. Then, the customers can get to our company without too much difficulty. .
解析: 暂无解析


Practice 1  Discussion—about 5 minutes  In this part of the test you are given a discussion topic. You have 30 seconds to look at the prompt card, an example of which is below, and then about 3 minutes to discuss the topic with your partner. After that the examiner will ask you more questions related to the topic.  For two candidates  Program for New Staff  Your company has found that ineffective time management is one of the major problem areas throughout the workforce. You have been asked to put forward some suggestions for improving the situation.  Discuss and decide together:  ● why poor time management can become a major problem in companies.  ● what procedures could be adopted to ensure that time is managed effectively.

正确答案: 【参考范例】
A: Hi. As you know, these days our company is sort of out of control. Don’t you think so?
B: Yeah. Everything appears to be in chaos here in our company. And that clearly has resulted from poor time management.
A: You mean poor time management has led to all these problems? Why?
B: When time is not well planned within a company, they usually do not distribute blocks of time to specified tasks. They do not have a definite clue of when they should finish a certain task.
A: I think they often ignore the ordering of priorities. I mean certain tasks need our prior attention. But in the company every task is treated equally, even though it is a very important task.
B: That’s the point. So time should be planned in line with the significance of the tasks we need to deal with.
A: So what do you think we can do in order to manage time effectively here in our company?
B: You mean what means we can adopt?
A: Sure. That’s what our boss is asking us to do, right?
B: Right. I think we’ve got a lot to do. First, we should make all the staff members aware of the importance of effective time management to our company.
A: Yes, I think instruction in time management will be useful for them, especially those in supervisory positions.
B: Great. Perhaps we can run a few training courses for them. If necessary, we may invite some professionals from outside to help us.
A: Another thing we can do is to make all the managers, or even every employee, think of a job description of their own. Only in this way, can they be pretty sure about what they are accountable for and what they are not.
B: Yes, that’s a good idea. And I think, the top managers of our company should make a set of rules with regard to what sort of jobs should be given priority to. In this way, we can confirm that significant tasks are handled first.
A: Good idea. So in conclusion, our company should run a few training courses, and every employee should write down a job description of their own.
B: And rules should be made about what sort of job should be given priority to.
解析: 暂无解析


Practice 5  ● Your company has decided to invest some of this year’s exceptionally high profits in one of the following areas:  ● New company buses  ● Culture comparative Courses  ● Special bonus payments.  ● You have been asked to write a report recommending how the profits should be invested and what benefits they would bring respectively.  ● Write 200-250 words on your Answer Sheet.

正确答案: 【参考范文】
The purpose of this report is to analyze how the company should reinvest its profits this year. Options under consideration include purchasing new company buses, providing language training courses and paying special bonuses.
Options under consideration
New company buses
Despite that the motorcade of company buses are aged, they are still good enough to use. They are equipped with comfortable sofa seats, air-conditioning system and even karaoke. Therefore, their hardware is definitely not out of date. In addition, engines of these vehicles were only replaced last year, and they all came from Bolvo which run very smoothly. As a result, new company buses would be out of the question.
Culture comparative courses
Since the company is planning to increase its international market shares, especially in China and Japan, attending culture comparative courses would be very help for employees to deal with business partners and customers in those regions. Furthermore, courses would also increase cohesion, that is to say, staff members would get on with each other as classmates. They would certainly keep in memory this special period of happy time for many years to come. Therefore, the idea of investing in culture comparative courses is not bad.
Special bonus payments
As is known to all, special bonus payments would stimulate motivations. However, they would not have immediate improvement on the company’s overall performances. In addition, there’s also a potential hazard regarding the resentment of stall ineligible for the payments. If a precedent for future payments is set, think about what we shall do then to boost the morale in a rainy day. Therefore, it would be unwise to invest in bonus payments.
To conclude, investing in culture comparative courses will achieve a win-win situation for both the company and staff. It is recommended that the company arrange courses in Chinese and Japanese for employees who have contact with partners and customers in the above regions. As for other members of staff who are interested, they should also be encouraged to participate in.
解析: 暂无解析


Practice 6  ● Your company wants to choose a new Overseas Sales Manager. You are asked to draft a want-advertisement to be posted on the Internet of your company.  ● Write an e-mail to all staff:  ● stating what position is wanted and what abilities are required,  ● saying what documents are needed when applying,  ● pointing out for how long this position holds.  ● Write 30—40 words on the opposite page.

正确答案: 【参考范文】
To: All staff
From: Mary Brown
Date: 6 June 2008
Subject: An Overseas Sales Manager Wanted
Dear all,
A new Overseas Sales Manager is needed for the next financial year in France. The applicants should have three years’ working experience abroad and strong leadership skills. Fluent French ability will be an asset. Please take your CV and Reference documents when applying for the position.
解析: 暂无解析


Write a memo in about 50 words. You are the Personnel Manager of a company, and have been approached by your IT Department to recruit three new members of staff. Write a memo to Miss Kate Bush, the Manager of the IT Department, ·informing her you have received over 100 applications and have selected 10 candidates for interview, ·telling her you will write to the candidates inviting them for interview, and ·asking her to tell you the time and the place of the interview.
To: Miss Kate Bush
From: your name, Personnel Manager
Subject: IT Department job interview
Date: April 18, 2013
I have received over 100 applications for the three new positions in the IT Department and have put together a short list of 10 candidates. I will shortly write to the candidates inviting them for interview. Please let me know when and where you would like the interview to take place so that I can inform the candidates when I write to them.


Practice 4  ● A foreign business associate is visiting your company for three days. You have been asked to organize the visit and plan appropriate entertainment.  ● Write a letter to the visitor outlining a timetable for the visit and describing the activities you have planned.  ● Write 200-250 words on your Answer Sheet.

正确答案: 【参考范文】
Dear Richard,
Further to our discussion of 6 May, I’m writing to present the scheduled programme during your visit to our company(12—15 May). I‘ll be waiting at the airport on Tuesday morning. If the airliner arrives on time, I’11 take you right to your hotel. Then you can have a rest and refresh yourself. As Mr. Cooper desires to see you before the meeting, you will have a private talk. After that we’ll travel to the company site for the meeting which according to the schedule will run form 15:30 to 17:00. Since that will be a busy day, I recommend a complete relaxation at a nearby entertainment centre. Wednesday’s meeting is due to start at 10:00a.m. A limousine has been arranged to collect you from the hotel at 9 : 40a.m. As the meeting will last for a whole day, we will have a working lunch. When work’s finished, you’11 have some free time at your disposal before attending a welcome banquet to be held at The Sheraton Hotel at 19: 00.
We have enter your name for the Tennis Tournament (9:30 a.m on Thursday morning). Mr. Cooper will pick you up at the hotel at 9:00a.m. Then there is a cocktail party at 12:30 a.m, which some important local government officials will attend.
A sedan will pick you up at your hotel at 9:50a.m on Friday morning to send you to the airport in time for your return flight at 11:50a.m. I’m looking forward to seeing you on the 12th. At the meanwhile, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 01082253922.
Yours sincerely,
Mary Young
Personal Assistant to Mr. Cooper
解析: 暂无解析


Practice 3  Discussion—about 5 minutes  In this part of the test you are given a discussion topic. You have 30 seconds to look at the task promptly, an example of which is below, and then about three minutes to discuss the topic with your partner. After that the examiner will ask you more questions related to the topic.  For two candidates  Satisfaction Survey  The company you work for has conducted a satisfaction survey. We all know customer satisfaction is essential to the survival of our businesses.  You have been asked to find out whether customers are satisfied.  Discuss the situation together, and decide:  ● how to find out whether the customers are satisfied  ● what to ask in a customer satisfaction survey.

正确答案: 【参考范例】
A: We all know customer satisfaction is essential to the survival of our businesses. How do you think we can find out whether our customers are satisfied?
B: In my opinion, in order to find out whether our customers are satisfied or not, the best and most direct way is to ask them.
A: Certainly many ways can be adopted to ask them whether they are satisfied with our company, our products, and the service they received. Can you name some common ways?
B: Sure. we can ask them face-to-face when they are about to walk out of our store or office. In addition, we can also call them on the phone after their visits and ask how they feel about our products and service.
A: Well. Good idea. Any other ways?
B: Mail them a questionnaire is also an option. This technique has long been used, which turns out to be quite effective
A: As far as I am concerned, we can ask certain questions in a customer satisfaction survey to get to know their expectations and to collect information about what need to be changed and what need to be maintained to increase their satisfaction.
B: By all means basic customer satisfaction questions should be asked, like “ Are you satisfied with the service you received?” Still, we need to ask the customers loyalty questions, for instance “What are the chances of you recommending our products/services to others?” Plus, some research needs to be done to know what the customer like and don’t like about the products, services and the company.
A: That is the point.
Follow-up questions:
(Q=question   A=answer)
Q1: Do you think feedback from customers is the most important thing to consider? Why or why not?
A: Yes, their feedback can reveal a lot and be very useful. You can improve your products’ quality accordingly. ﹨No, it is not wise to completely depend on that, since some customers may not take it seriously when answering questions.
Q2: Is it essential to consider competitors’ products? Why or why not?
A: Yes. By comparison, you can know the differences and try to do a better job. ﹨No, feedback from customers is more reliable
Q3: Which is more important when aiming to improve customer services, staff training or customer satisfaction survey?
A: I would say staff training is the fundamental way to improve customer services.﹨Customer satisfaction survey can be more effective in improving customer satisfaction.
Q4: How often should you conduct a customer satisfaction survey?
A: As is said, the most wise way is to conduct a customer satisfaction survey often enough to get the most information, to upset the customers, but not so often as to upset the customers”.
Q5: Have you ever thought about what to do with the answers from a customer satisfaction survey?
A: Yes. The answers from different customers need to be compiled and used to predict trends.﹨No, feedback alone is not enough and further research together with other surveys needs also to be conducted.
解析: 暂无解析
