2018 年六级真题词汇










参考词汇:dirty adj. obey v. promise n.


Besides Yokohama, M. V. Gaohe will also ________ at some other Japanese ports





旋转;绕转 v. r_ _ _ _ _ _


调查;调查研究 v. i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


得至0;获得 v. a_ _ _ _ _ _


2018 年 6 月六级真题词汇 1chronicle /krnk()l/n. 编年史v. 记录chronic/krnk/adj. 慢性的;长期的hypothesis /hapss/n. 假定,假说momentum /mmentm/n. 动力,势头mysterious /mstrs/adj. 神秘的remnant /remnnt/n. 剩余物,残留intensify/ntensfa/v. 增强laborious /lb:ris/adj. 费力的impart /mp:t/v. 传授strike /strak/v. 打击striking /strak/adj. 显著的,引人注目的multiply /mltpla/v. 激增soar/s:(r)/v. 高飞;猛增resistant /rzstnt/adj. 抵抗的 , 有免疫力的breed /bri:d/v. 繁殖painstaking /penztek/adj. 费力的luxury /lkri/n. 奢侈distract /dstrkt/v. 分散注意力extract /ekstrkt/v. 提取,提炼emerge /im:d/v. 浮现,暴露emergency /im:dnsi/n. 紧急事件urgency /:dns/n. 紧急,紧迫性2018 年 6 月六级真题词汇 2harness /h:ns/v. 利用,控制territory /tertri/n. 领土,领域successive /sksesv/adj. 连续的utility /ju:tlti/n. 公共设施maintenance /mentnns/n. 维护,维修notorious /nt:rs/adj. 臭名昭著的acquaintance /kwentns/n. 熟人reverse /rv:s/v. 反转adj. 反面的adverse /dv:s/adj. 不利的,有害的converse /knv:s/v. 交谈,谈话diverse/dav:s/adj. 多种多样的ferce /fs/adj. 凶猛的,狂热的tough /tf/adj. 坚韧的;困难的reproduce /ri:prdju:s/v. 复制;繁殖spell /spel/n. 一段时期;咒语;魅力cultivate /kltvet/v. 培育,培养foster /fst(r)/v. 培养;促进deplete /dpli:t/v. 损耗,耗尽agony /gni/n. 痛苦fatigue/fti:g/n. 疲劳prescribe /prskrab/v. 开处方subscribe /sbskrab/v. 签署;捐赠;订阅ascribe /skrab/v. 把归于shortcut /:tkt/n. 捷径hinder /hnd(r)/v. 阻碍impede /mpi:d/v. 阻碍,阻止hamper /hmp(r)/v. 妨碍,束缚curb /k:b/v. 限制,抑制hold back抑制,阻止2018 年 6 月六级真题词汇 3negotiate /ngiet/v. 谈判,协商comprehensive /kmprhensv/adj. 综合的incorporate /nk:pret/v. 包含,合并emission /imn/n. 排放venture/vent(r)/n. 风险amass /ms/v. 积累exaggerate /gzdret/v. 夸张extravagant /kstrvgnt/adj. 奢侈的,挥霍alumni /lmna/n. (pl.)毕业生institution /nsttju:n/n. 机构prestigious /prestds/adj. 有威望的scratch ones head 动脑筋,冥思苦想geneticmodifcation 转基因be susceptible to 易受影响的weird /wd/adj. 奇怪的ingredient /ngridnt/n. 原料element /elmnt/n. 元素,要素appeal /pil/n. 吸引力additive /dtv/n. 添加剂delicacy/delksi/n. 佳肴blend /blend/v. 混合decent /dis()nt/adj. 像样的;相当不错的sensational /sense()nl/adj. 轰动的disruption /dsrp()n/n. 中断;破裂interrupt /ntrpt/v. 打断,中断erupt /rpt/v. 爆发,喷发corrupt /krpt/v. 堕落,腐败decode /dikd/v. 解码,破译tremendous /trmends/adj. 巨大的;极大的conventional /knven()nl/adj. 依照惯例的;传统spoil /spl/v. 溺爱initiate /niet/v. 开始,发起initiative /ntv/n. 倡议;主动性2018 年 6 月六级真题词汇 4revolutionize /revlu:naiz/v. 使发生革命recommend /rekmend/v. 推荐therapy /erpi/n. 治疗;疗法treatment /tri:tmnt/n. 治疗,疗法;处理remedy /remdi/n. 治疗法 ; 补救办法diagnosis /danss/n. 诊断acupuncture /kjpkt(r)/n. 针刺疗法injection /ndek()n/n. 注射compatible /kmptb()l/adj. 兼容的,协调的advocate/dvkt/v. 提倡;拥护n. 支持者commercial /km(r)()l/n. 广告adj. 商业的devastation /devste()n/n. 灾难catastrophe /ktstrf/n. 大灾难primitive /prmtv/adj. 原始的civil /svl/adj. 公民的,文明的citizen /stzn/n. 公民,市民civilization /svlaze()n/n. 文明exploit /ksplt/v. 开发;利用tropical /trpk()l/adj. 热带的ecosystem /iksstm/n. 生态系统classifcation /klsfke()n/n. 分类distinct /dstkt/adj. 清晰的;明显的distinction /dstk()n/n. 区别;区分biodiversity /ba()davst/n. 生物多样性habitat /hbtt/n. 栖息地presence /prez()ns/n. 存在;出现enthusiastic /njuzistk/adj. 热情的misfortune /msf(r)t()n/n. 不幸guarantee /rnti/v. 保证;保障palm /pm/n. 手掌,棕榈树be accustomed to 习惯于leisure time 空闲时间be assigned to 被分配给;归属tend to倾向于be content with 以为满足2018 年 12 月六级真题词汇 1astronomically /strnmkl/adv. 极其巨大地hazard /hzd/n. 危险roam /rm/v. 漫游 ; 漫步vacancy /veknsi/n. 空缺,空位vain /ven/adj. 徒劳的,无用的vanish /vn/v. 消失,突然不见autonomy /:tnmi/n. 自治,自治权 ; 自主权automated /:tmetd/adj. 自动化的informed /nf:md/adj. 见多识广的transmission /trnsmn/n. 传送obscure/bskj(r)/adj. 不清楚的;晦涩的v. 使.模糊不清aggressive /gresv/adj. 具有攻击性的,好斗的congress /kgres/n. 国会,议会;代表大会confguration /knfgren/n. 布局,构造declare /dkle(r)/v. 宣布 ; 声明dedicat

自杀 v. /n. s_ _ _ _ _ _


计算机化 v. c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _








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考题 精制,使精美v.正确答案:refine

考题 第二十二篇 RealWld RobotsWhen you think of a robot, do you envision ashiny, metallic device having the same general shape as a human being,perfming humanlike functions, responding to your questions in a monotonevoice accentuated by high-pitched tones beeps? This is the way many of usimagine a robot, but in the real wld, a robot is not humanoid at all. Insteada robot often is a voiceless, box-shaped machine that efficiently carries outrepetitive dangerous functions usually perfmed by humans. Today’s robot is me than an automatic machine that perfms one taskagain again. A modern robot is programmed with varying degrees ofartificial intelligence—that is, a robot contains acomputer program that tells it how to perfm tasks associated with human intelligence,such as reasoning, drawing conclusions, learning from past experience.A robot does not possess a human shape fthe simple reason that a two-legged robot has great difficulty remainingbalanced. A robot does, however, move from place to place on wheels axlesthat roll rotate. A robot even has limbs that swivel move incombination with ts mots. To find its way in its surroundings1, arobot utilizes various built-in senss. Antennae attached to the robot’s base detect anything they bump into. If the robot starts to teeteras it moves on an incline, a gyroscope a pendulum inside it senses thevertical differential. To determine its distance from an object how quicklyit will reach the object,the robot bounces beams oflaser light ultrasonic sound waves off obstructions in its path2. These other senss constantly feed infmation to the computer, which then analyzesthe infmation crects adjusts the robot’sactions. As science technology advance, the robot too will progress in itsfunctions use of artificial-intelligence programs.词汇:envision v. 想象,预想device n. 装置accentuate v. 强调,重读artificial intelligence n. 人工智能limb n. 臂antennae n. 天线incline v. 倾斜pendulum n. 钟摆ultrasonic adj. 超声的metallic adj. 金属的monotone n. 单调的humanoid adj. 像人的axle n. 轮轴rotate v. 旋转swivel n. 旋转teeter v. 摇晃gyroscope n. 陀螺仪,回转仪vertical n. 直立的注释:1.To find its way in its surroundings...:为了在周围找到路……2.the robot bounces beams of laser light ultrasonic sound waves off obstructions in its path:机器人发射激光束和超声波,反射到障碍物上(以此来探知路径)。练习:3.The last paragraph suggests that futurerobots will beA me humanlike inbehavi actions. B me like automaticmachines. C better able to moveon inclines. D better equippedwith laser light senss.答案:A解析:3.A 最后一段讲机器人的发展方向是更加智能,能够自己判断并修正行为,而不仅仅是完成重复性的工作。

考题 人工按压MANUAL CTR XFR P/B()。A、INNER INLET V.打开,XFR PUMP工作其他活门关闭B、所有油箱进口活门,XFR PUMP保持在原先状态C、所有油箱进口活门打开,XFR工作D、INNER INLET V.打开,XFR PUMP工作状态由内油箱油面高度来决定正确答案:A

考题 在t=1s时,质点的速率v.正确答案:

考题 我国低压思念相四线制供电系统中U线=()V,U相=()V.正确答案:380;220

考题 第二十二篇 RealWld RobotsWhen you think of a robot, do you envision ashiny, metallic device having the same general shape as a human being,perfming humanlike functions, responding to your questions in a monotonevoice accentuated by high-pitched tones beeps? This is the way many of usimagine a robot, but in the real wld, a robot is not humanoid at all. Insteada robot often is a voiceless, box-shaped machine that efficiently carries outrepetitive dangerous functions usually perfmed by humans. Today’s robot is me than an automatic machine that perfms one taskagain again. A modern robot is programmed with varying degrees ofartificial intelligence—that is, a robot contains acomputer program that tells it how to perfm tasks associated with human intelligence,such as reasoning, drawing conclusions, learning from past experience.A robot does not possess a human shape fthe simple reason that a two-legged robot has great difficulty remainingbalanced. A robot does, however, move from place to place on wheels axlesthat roll rotate. A robot even has limbs that swivel move incombination with ts mots. To find its way in its surroundings1, arobot utilizes various built-in senss. Antennae attached to the robot’s base detect anything they bump into. If the robot starts to teeteras it moves on an incline, a gyroscope a pendulum inside it senses thevertical differential. To determine its distance from an object how quicklyit will reach the object,the robot bounces beams oflaser light ultrasonic sound waves off obstructions in its path2. These other senss constantly feed infmation to the computer, which then analyzesthe infmation crects adjusts the robot’sactions. As science technology advance, the robot too will progress in itsfunctions use of artificial-intelligence programs.词汇:envision v. 想象,预想device n. 装置accentuate v. 强调,重读artificial intelligence n. 人工智能limb n. 臂antennae n. 天线incline v. 倾斜pendulum n. 钟摆ultrasonic adj. 超声的metallic adj. 金属的monotone n. 单调的humanoid adj. 像人的axle n. 轮轴rotate v. 旋转swivel n. 旋转teeter v. 摇晃gyroscope n. 陀螺仪,回转仪vertical n. 直立的注释:1.To find its way in its surroundings...:为了在周围找到路……2.the robot bounces beams of laser light ultrasonic sound waves off obstructions in its path:机器人发射激光束和超声波,反射到障碍物上(以此来探知路径)。练习: 1.Another good title f this passage wouldbeA.Robots: Taking thePlace of Humans. B ArtificialIntelligence Programs. C Today’s Robots How They Function. D Modern-Day Senss.答案:C解析: 1.C 从文中得知,文章主要介绍了机器人和它们的运行方式,因此选择C选项。